Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 6 1/2

Well I get to email for a bit today because I'm new!

Ok starting off, Saturday was a little rough at the park but Elder Ward and I gave out a Book of Mormon on the Metro!!  So that brightened my entire day!

Sunday was good as usual, but Monday was great!!  We packed, ate pizza for dinner, had a testimony meeting and had a devotional with President and Sister Lovell!  It was fantastic!

Now on to the more recent stuff, Tuesday morning we left the MTC and got on a high speed train to Barcelona!!  It was such a cool experience going on that.  At one point I looked up and saw that we were going 295 km/h!!  It was crazy!!  We got to Barcelona and met Presidente and Hermana Pace in the train station!  We then got in a bus and went to the chapel for Barrio Dos in Barcelona and dropped off my luggage.  I then took my overnight bag (backpack) and we went to the Mission home.  There they fed us, interviewed us, and then took us on a brief tour of Barcelona.  It was so amazing!!  I love Barcelona already!!  We then came back to the mission home and got our "temporary companions."  My companion was Elder Wilkinson!  We then rode the Metro over to the Badalona area where we stopped at his Piso (apartment) and dropped my stuff off.  We then went out street contacting!  We talked to everyone and Elder Wilkinson was awesome!! We then went and had a Family Home Evening with a member family.  It was so much fun and they fed us!! After that we went back out street contacting and we met a Jehova's Witness, that was interesting....Afterward we went back to the piso and sat in on planning for Elder Wilkinson and his real companion.  Then went to bed.

The next morning, we woke up early and went with an Elder in that piso, who was going to be training someone in that area, to a stake center.  We then went and got our fingerprints done at the police station so we could get our Spanish ID's, I'll get that in a month or two.  Afterwards we took a bus back to Barrio Dos' capilla and studied for awhile.  We then had a devotional with President and Sister Pace and at the end we got to find out where we were going!  I was the second to last missionary assigned out of my group so that was kind of nerve wracking!!  On a side note, Elder Stapleton, my MTC friend happens to be going to the area where I slept for my first night....anyway, I got up there and President announced that I was going to the PALMA MALLORCA area!!  For those of you who don't know where that is, Palma Mallorca is the largest of three islands in the Mediterranean Sea belonging to Spain!  So immediately after the meeting my new companion and I grabbed my bags and went to the airport!  My new companion is Elder Jennings from Mesa, Arizona!!  I'm his first missionary to be trained!  He has been in the field for 7 months and in Mallorca for a transfer (6 weeks).  He is so awesome and way nice!  I can't wait to get to know him better!

Anyway, on the 40 minute flight from Barcelona to Palma I sat next to a guy who was reading a rock climbing magazine and I would like to thank Taylor Watkins and Josh Schmidt for teaching me a little bit about climbing so I could try and communicate with him.  I gave him a pass along card and hope he looks to find more.  On the flight they managed to lose one of my bags...but while I was typing this email, they airline called Elder Jennings and said they were at our piso to drop it off!  I saved this draft and we ran back to our piso and picked it up!!  The thing I was most excited for that I didn't have in my other bag was my sweaters!! I am so sick of my suit jacket right now...anyway all is great here in Palma Mallorca!  Next week we have Enfoque, so we meeting with everyone in our zone and hear what the President told the Zone Leaders to tell us.  I'll write again on Monday I believe, who knows... I love the Barcelona Mission already!

Parker Skousen you are so lucky to be going to this mission!!!  It is the best mission in the world!

I love you all and hope you are doing well!!

Con Amor,
Elder Jonson

My New Address:

C/Nicolao de Pacs 23, 2A
Palma de Mallorca  07006

Letters take about a week to get here from the US and packages take about a week and half to two weeks to get here!  Write me!!

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